Optimized Compounds, LLC

Small and Medium Enterprise • United States · Buford • 2 followers

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Kenneth W. Russell has more than 35 years of experience working with polymer processing and resin companies delivering results in new product development, process improvement, scale-up and customer technical support. Kenneth’s expertise includes polyolefin polymerization, polymer compounding, reactive extrusion, and film extrusion. Kenneth has transferred product developments and processes into Europe, India and China from the US while maintaining product equivalency between locations. He has a strong belief in continuous process improvement and statistical process control. Kenneth is certified as a CPlasT from the Society of Plastics Engineers. He has earned a BS in Chemical Engineering from Rutgers University in Piscataway, NJ, a MS in Chemical Engineering from Auburn University, AL. and a Master of Engineering Management from Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. Kenneth has been consulting for over 5 years as an expert in leading process improvement, product development, new process development, operator process training and as a resin subject matter expert.

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Small and Medium Enterprise

About our Innovation Strategy

We are currently seeking best-in-class collaboration partners for our publications listed in the tab Opportunities. We want to invite you to cooperate with us, so please repond to any of the opportunities by submitting one or more proposals. Our team will directly evaluate them and get back to you with a response. Please provide as much detailed non-confidential information as possible to facilitate the engagement process.

Research areas (4)

Industrial manufacturing, Material and Transport TechnologiesPlant Design and MaintenanceProcesses for working with plasticsPolymer (plastics) materials

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